Yeah. Sucks. I have one grandparent left. I'm dreading the day she goes because it will impact my Mom the most. I'm more concerned for that then my grandma.
Bee doop
Age 37, Male
Joined on 9/15/05
Yeah. Sucks. I have one grandparent left. I'm dreading the day she goes because it will impact my Mom the most. I'm more concerned for that then my grandma.
I know its a bastard when relatives are sick.
My uncle died of lung cancer a year ago and my mums twin sister has lung cancer now and to see them like that is hard because we all know she's gonna die.
I feel really sorry for you and your grandfather after hearing that. I know either of you on a personal level, or any level at all, but that's just a saddening story. I hope your grandfather's condtition improves.
This reminds me of the heart attack my drafting teacher recently endured. We always got along, laughed, had the same ideas and we were from a completely different generation, and family. He's such a wise and thoughtful person. I'd hate the idea of growing up, having my own life knowing that he is no longer alive.
Lets hope both my drafting teacher and you grandfathers conditions improve.
I don't know either of you on a personal level*
Goddamn, what a mood ruiner. I should proofread my posts.
My grandmother had dementia. She didn't really remember any of us that well. She died at the beginning of this year.
I had a situation last summer where I lost two grandparents.
First, my paternal grandfather (82) came to visit for my birthday and my sister's birthday from Detroit. He had a bowel obstruction and some other things and he was in the hospital for a few weeks. then was out for a month and spent a lot of time with my dad, who took the time off work to be with him. He passed away in late July after going back to the hospital with a heart attack and finally dying from pneumonia.
My maternal grandmother was 85 and had been steadily going down hill from Alzheimer's disease for the past decade or so. She passed away on July 13 in her sleep in her own home. My uncle had taken time off from his own life and career to care for her and my grandfather. I guess she was lipid that night because she woke up from a nap in late evening and told my uncle to give her a kiss. and at around 2 or 3 in the morning she woke my grandfather up and told him she loved him and to give her a kiss. She went back to sleep and didn't get back up.
thats pretty grandparents are in there 60's.i hope ur grandpa will be alright.
well that fuckin sucks. i hope he recovers
I've been lucky so far to have three of the four grandparents live up to now with no disabling diseases or conditions. Sorry to hear about all the bad news.
My great-grandfather died the same way.
I only visited him once that I could remember, but he couldn't even remember my name any more. I was just that little boy who looked really "healthy" in his pictures.
It's a sad, sad thing man, but it's just how life is, sometimes.
Your grandpa > Chuck Norris
Dude, you deleted my bestest post evar.
aw dude that sucks...
Your grandpa's a badass, I like his surviving record.
Well, that sucks. I only have one grandparent left, shes 83, and shes the healthiest person I know surprisingly. It seems like she'll live forever, she still has the strength and fitness to do everything on her own, she even mows her own yard. But, I guess surprises are common in this department.
Your grandfather is an unbelievable hard ass.
my grandpa's dead. but im sure your's will make it for another year or 2. mine smoke and drank a lot.
I'll keep them in my prayers. My grandpa died a few years ago, I was crying hysterically. The worst part is I rarely got to visit him and I was never able to say goodbye because he was out cold the whole time in the hospital. The most important thing you can do now is let your grandparents know you love them, because you never know when they will just slip away. I still feel bad I never said goodbye or told him I loved him, it's probably one of the worst feelings ever.
Ouch, I know how it feels to have relatives that suffer from a major disease. At least 3 of my aunts have died in the last 5 years from heart attacks and strokes, and my father, who is currently 39, was just diagnosed with sarquoidosis (Sp?). I was told it literally eats you from the inside out, and half of one of his lungs is been distroyed.
It does really suck to see someone on the possible verge of death, and you never know which day it could happen. Maybe tommorow, maybe next week, two years from now, or a few days after your birthday. But I guess the only advice I can even think to give is that you should spend as much time as humanely possible with the people that could be dying soon.
I'm sorry to hear that. :-( My grandparents helped my parents raise me, so I totally understand the bonds and how important they are. Your family has the thoughts and prayers of my family.