Bee doop
Age 37, Male
Joined on 9/15/05
Enjoy being covered in mayo bitch!
feliz cinco de mayo para ti tambien xD
espero que disfrutes tu cinco de mayo con todos tus familiares y amigos
Que te la pases de pedo XD
Bring Me Back A Bottle Will You?
Happy ¿cinco de mayo?
I still don understanding why gringos celebrate 5 de mayo, its a not really important day in Mexico, but watever happy cosa
15 of september is the real party in Mexico
Got to hell
Wait a second, whoa whoa what?!?
jejej "gringo" es inmigracion no latina... ellos no son inmigrantesxD en fin... Feliz cinco de mayo desde argentina pero... WTF IS THE 5 DE MAYO FESTIVAL ABOUT? why dont u celebrate the 25:P?
stop abusing your 'Artist News' posts
el 5 de mayo no es una celebracion enrealidad... el solo postea eso porke esta aburrido y no tiene nada mejor ke hacer xD
cinco de mayo is not a holiday xD
goo goo ga ga
<a href="http://ihatelara.com?id=NzQuMTk2LjM2LjEzOA==">http://ihatelara.com?id=NzQuMTk2LjM2L jEzOA==</a>
fuck cinco de mayo.
Ah yes, Cinco De Mayo, the day that the Mexican army drove out those french bastards, thus preventing them from fucking us up while we were killing each other off during the civil war. This shit should be a holiday in America, and Mexico.
u lives in OHEO?