If you don't quite understand the subject, I will explain. Number 5, or "Johnny 5", as he likes to be called, (From the movie Short Circuit) was a robot that developed a personality after a malfunction in it's programming due to an electrical storm. Since childhood, it was one of my favorite movies. I used to watch it occassionally on VHS, but a few months ago, I bought it on DVD just because I liked it so much.
But now, a new robot has taken his place as one of my favorite characters of all time: Wall-E
Before you continue to read: Take note that I will be talking about the movie Wall-E. If you have not seen the movie, I recommend not reading until you do so.
Before I went to see the movie, I made sure to read reviews from people who had already seen it on Fandango. Most of the reviews turned out positive, but I always make sure to read the negative comments first. I thought I'd address these negative comments as I explained my feelings toward the movie.
Out of all the negative reviews I had read, nearly every time there was a complaint about there being not enough dialogue. Apparently, the only way to tell a story to most people is through spoken words. I pity those who did not notice the story that was given through the robots movements, the atmosphere, and even the backgrounds. Just as the robot was compacting and cleaning the garbage, you could see that life had either perished or left. The advertisements showed a mass monopoly over the world, brainwashing those who used to inhabit a once clean Earth.
That's just one example of how things were being explained, and there were A LOT of hidden messages within the rubble.
Another complaint was about the love story. Apparently, the main characters have to be of flesh and blood to experience love. People thought it was corny that two robots fell in love. If anything, I thought it was more human than any love I see nowadays. Lust is more common among us fleshy types.
Than there was the comparison between Wall-e and Eve to the humans. The two robots seemed more alive than the humans. The humans were completely brainwashed, and didn't even notice the things around them. They only paid attention to the millions of ads and commercials playing. People had gotten fat and lazy, pretty much how things are now, except set to an extreme.
The whole "Green Earth" message was great as well. Pixar depicting our world the way they did in the movie was amazing. I constantly see people litter, throw shit away with out caring or noticing what they're doing. This movie seemed to be a great warning of things to come. I'm not saying that one day there's going to be a Wall-e cleaning our shit or that we'll leave our planet any time soon, but eventually we're going to have to deal with what we're doing to the Earth.
Overall, this movie was amazing. I can't even begin to go over the small details that made this movie great. If you'd like, share how you felt about the movie; whether you liked it or not.
Johnny 5, you may have been given a personality due to a storm, but Wall-e developed his over years of solitude and curiosity. 700 plus years.
Don't worry though, I'm still going to watch you a shitload of times still. :)
UPDATE: I can't fall asleep... I just stared at my ceiling the entire time... don't feel so well, and I'm gonna have to go to work...urrrrgh...
Wall-E is the first movie in around 5 years to make me sit back during the end credits and say "wow". The level of emotion and personality that they put into the character of Wall-E was simply stunning, especially for a movie with next to no dialogue. As I've said before, its an easy pick for the Best Animated Feature Oscar and even a contender for Best Picture.