To begin, my little brother decided to play football. He's probably one of the best players at the moment, being the age of 13. I've been going up to watch some of his practices, and although he's in his puberty stages that make him an obnoxious little asshole at times, he's a great kid/ football player.
So I road my bike across the street (our high school is across the street...) to go watch him practice. Just as I went to go watch, I saw him get tackled, and apparently some kids face mask jabbed into his arm, leaving a massive gash. His arm was covered in blood, and he didn't even notice until his coach told him to step off the field. Tough little bastard couldn't feel it... Then again, something like that will take some time getting to feel... He's going in for stitches right now, as a matter of fact. I told my dad, and just to be sure, he brought his truck up and headed straight to the hospital.
I'll post updates once I know more.
He's been home for awhile now. He received six internal stitches and eight external stitches, making it a grand total of fourteen stitches. He's okay though :)
Post some pics dude sounds badass. lol