All the hell of getting shit prepared for college is finally over. Now I'm IN college, haha! I assume I'll get busy again, but as of right now I'm caught up and have some free time! I took the time to audition for some newgrounds related flashes (and some not so related to newgrounds :D). I'm also writing a few scripts for some new animations I plan on working on during the freetime I have between classes at college! I'm hoping to have some stuff out for you guys soon!
I think I'm also going to try out for this contest and see how well I do. I'm still relatively new to the voice acting scene, but so far it's all been thumbs up! if you need any voices, check out my latest Voice test and I might be able to work something out :D /258759
Also look at my new submission for the voice acting competition for talking like a pirate :D
Dude, where in ohio do you live? I'm in ohio too :D