Figured I'd show a little bit of this here flash animation. I've gotten some progress down on it, put in some of the voices, moved some tweens, fbf'd some things, etc etc. I might just be able to get this done in a few more days; we'll see. I've got a few other scenes to do and add in that aren't done (they're saved as graphics in the .fla) make a scene select screen and I should be ready ta go.
Enjoy! Or don't, but it'd hurt my feelings.
Grrr... Sure wish I knew those references :<... Looks as though it may go over the heads of those who don't know SC that well. Hope you have at least a giggle or two planned for those people too. Cock joke? I mean.... Who doesn't love a good cock... joke.
It probably will go over a lot of peoples heads. I know that Starcraft isn't nearly as popular as things like mario or sonic :(
But this was more for fun and experimentation. I'm having a lot of fun with this, so that's good. I'll be happy if just a couple people take joy in watching it.