Well, not YET!
I've been getting some pointers and tips on how to improve my background game (because my backgrounds are SHIT) so I've been putting a lot of time into that. Which means a lot of sketching, getting pissed off, trashing it, starting over, more aggravation, throwing that away, and settling like a LITTLE BITCH. I still feel I'm improving though! I fear my biggest problem is lack of patience when it comes to it. I'll feel comfortable with one background, then try to rush the next in hopes of getting to that positive feeling again. It's a BIG constraint/ problem of mine. I have all the patience in the world for everything but myself.
Unfortunately, I won't be voicing TOO much. I live in a studio, so yelling like I used to is hard without getting a knock from the po po for noise complaints ya know? I feel (No... I KNOW) all of my animations have made it as far as they have solely due to my voice. So it provides me with an interesting challenge, and will hopefully motivate me to improve!
I've thought about asking around for voice actors, but it's been awhile since I've made anything original. I feel that would be silly of me to ask for something when I haven't done much myself. If I do well with this toon, maybe I'll ask around. That, and it PAINS ME SO MUCH NOT TO BE ABLE TO YELL AND SCREAM AND VOICE LIKE I USED TO. Almost all of my voice stuff now occurs in my car; to the point I will purposely drive no where just to vent (I'm a SAD individual okay?) Eventually, I will either move somewhere I can shout all I want, or build myself a very small recording booth.
HOT DAMN I TALK A LOT woah mama okay CYA!
Also hi.
If all else fails, ya might as well build yourself a pillow/blanket fort to scream in. Or just ask your neighbours if it's okay if you scream in your place at a certain time of the day. If you randomly make noise early in the morning or in the middle of the night, it's obvious people are gonna bitch about it.
Or maybe one of your neighbours even has a golden voice and likes to scream as well.
Good planning and communication = victory!
True, and I HAVE tried recording. It's more of a mental thing. I hold back simply because there are people that might not want to hear. It's a creepy feeling to me. Similar feeling of when you sing in the shower and discover people can hear you and they comment. You instantly stop singing (If you're a shy guy such as myself at least)