After long trying to hold meet-ups for newgrounds, they have failed epically due to not giving out enough information or not giving people enough time to prepare.
Well this time I'm giving PLENTY of time to prepare, because in the Summer of 2008, we will be holding a meet-up in Sandusky Ohio. Why Sandusky Ohio? Because it holds Cedar Point, one of the worlds number one Roller Coaster Amusement Parks.
It holds some of the largest, fastest, and top rated roller coasters in the world, having millions of people travel there just to witness it. Originally, I had thought only Ohioans would want to come to the meet-up, but with such a large wait time and preparation time, many people out of state are planning on attending as well.
Comments are approved only, so comment this blog if you wish or plan on attending the 2008 Newgrounds Ohio Cedar Point Meet-up!