So for this animation, I'm going to experiment with actually animating MOVING BODY PARTS :O (Which I've never really done before, so it's a lot of trial and error for me...)
Click here to watch purty pleaz :3
You'll see two buttons (Play & Scene). Scene does nothing as of now (Since only one of the scenes is currently filled. When you push "Play", it will jump a few test scenes and empty scenes before it gets to the scene I'm trying to work on (I don't want to do the scenes in the order I want them viewed... Shut up I'm weird). It's just a rough sketch but I gave it my all. It isn't anything like how the good animators on here do it but I'm trying... Practice makes perfect right?
When I view it on my computer it lags a bit, but when I view it on here it's not as bad. Does it get choppy for you guys?
So I've done a couple voices for a couple people, though not many. I'm happy I got my parts done so that I can actually animate this thing. Oh, I also figured out how to make my voice sound like the Overmind and Protoss units, so for scene select I might have one of those races talk about the scenes. Not sure yet.
Nearly got all of my furniture. My birthday is now in just a week (yes, my Birthday is on the Super Bowl) so all I've asked for is moving away shtuff. I might wait a little later than March to move though, seeing as it'd probably be easier to move during the summer what with it being warmer and all (that and I think it'd be best to save 6 months worth of rent; about $3,000-3,500 in case something bad happens) and that saving process is slow since I've been helping pay a lot of bills (we're slowly getting out of this rut at home :D)
Thank you for all the kind messages and support, as well as patience. :)