Bee doop
Age 37, Male
Joined on 9/15/05
Posted by SardonicSamurai - August 11th, 2008
To begin, my little brother decided to play football. He's probably one of the best players at the moment, being the age of 13. I've been going up to watch some of his practices, and although he's in his puberty stages that make him an obnoxious little asshole at times, he's a great kid/ football player.
So I road my bike across the street (our high school is across the street...) to go watch him practice. Just as I went to go watch, I saw him get tackled, and apparently some kids face mask jabbed into his arm, leaving a massive gash. His arm was covered in blood, and he didn't even notice until his coach told him to step off the field. Tough little bastard couldn't feel it... Then again, something like that will take some time getting to feel... He's going in for stitches right now, as a matter of fact. I told my dad, and just to be sure, he brought his truck up and headed straight to the hospital.
I'll post updates once I know more.
He's been home for awhile now. He received six internal stitches and eight external stitches, making it a grand total of fourteen stitches. He's okay though :)
Posted by SardonicSamurai - July 15th, 2008
If you don't quite understand the subject, I will explain. Number 5, or "Johnny 5", as he likes to be called, (From the movie Short Circuit) was a robot that developed a personality after a malfunction in it's programming due to an electrical storm. Since childhood, it was one of my favorite movies. I used to watch it occassionally on VHS, but a few months ago, I bought it on DVD just because I liked it so much.
But now, a new robot has taken his place as one of my favorite characters of all time: Wall-E
Before you continue to read: Take note that I will be talking about the movie Wall-E. If you have not seen the movie, I recommend not reading until you do so.
Before I went to see the movie, I made sure to read reviews from people who had already seen it on Fandango. Most of the reviews turned out positive, but I always make sure to read the negative comments first. I thought I'd address these negative comments as I explained my feelings toward the movie.
Out of all the negative reviews I had read, nearly every time there was a complaint about there being not enough dialogue. Apparently, the only way to tell a story to most people is through spoken words. I pity those who did not notice the story that was given through the robots movements, the atmosphere, and even the backgrounds. Just as the robot was compacting and cleaning the garbage, you could see that life had either perished or left. The advertisements showed a mass monopoly over the world, brainwashing those who used to inhabit a once clean Earth.
That's just one example of how things were being explained, and there were A LOT of hidden messages within the rubble.
Another complaint was about the love story. Apparently, the main characters have to be of flesh and blood to experience love. People thought it was corny that two robots fell in love. If anything, I thought it was more human than any love I see nowadays. Lust is more common among us fleshy types.
Than there was the comparison between Wall-e and Eve to the humans. The two robots seemed more alive than the humans. The humans were completely brainwashed, and didn't even notice the things around them. They only paid attention to the millions of ads and commercials playing. People had gotten fat and lazy, pretty much how things are now, except set to an extreme.
The whole "Green Earth" message was great as well. Pixar depicting our world the way they did in the movie was amazing. I constantly see people litter, throw shit away with out caring or noticing what they're doing. This movie seemed to be a great warning of things to come. I'm not saying that one day there's going to be a Wall-e cleaning our shit or that we'll leave our planet any time soon, but eventually we're going to have to deal with what we're doing to the Earth.
Overall, this movie was amazing. I can't even begin to go over the small details that made this movie great. If you'd like, share how you felt about the movie; whether you liked it or not.
Johnny 5, you may have been given a personality due to a storm, but Wall-e developed his over years of solitude and curiosity. 700 plus years.
Don't worry though, I'm still going to watch you a shitload of times still. :)
UPDATE: I can't fall asleep... I just stared at my ceiling the entire time... don't feel so well, and I'm gonna have to go to work...urrrrgh...
Posted by SardonicSamurai - July 12th, 2008
A long time ago, I did things called LOLcasts. I did it for a few newgrounders back in the day, and quite a long time ago I had put them on private, making it so only I can see.
I'm going to show you one of the later ones.
Run while you can.
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Scared yet?
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Still more
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I suffer from boredom often times. Any time I'm not with friends, boredom occurs. fast. Also say Hi to Hitler lul.
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Also banana phone.
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Posted by SardonicSamurai - July 6th, 2008
Oh my God.
As a child, Short Circuit (THE FIRST ONE) was my favorite movie. Though it was created before I was born, I fell in love with it when my aunt got it for me.
When I saw this on youtube, I busted a nut. It might be lame to those who don't know what the fuck it is (or for those who didn't like the 2nd Movie; I didn't) It's just a dub over :3
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Posted by SardonicSamurai - July 4th, 2008
Sorry everyone. I've got my duties as an American to celebrate this 4th of July.
A friend of mine is back in town! I haven't seen him since high school (which was like, 2-3 years ago) I'll be sure to have a hellofalot of fun :3
Also, ya, I have a wide love of music. Better to love all music then to obsess over few.
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Posted by SardonicSamurai - July 1st, 2008
Dick jokes aside, I had a fan-fuckin-tastic time this year at the Mod Meet. To be honest, I was quite nervous about meeting everyone. I knew a few people just via AIM or PM, but there were still a lot of people that I didn't really know. This was my first year, after all.
I assumed I'd be anti-social, but quite the contrary. I ended up being a hyperactive motherfucker who wouldn't sleep. I'd like to think I made a few people laugh it up a bit. I got quite a few people laughing their asses off, but usually because of the whole "WHAT THE FUCK!?" sort of deal. Ya, I'm a weird fucker.
I'm going to like, completely rip off of negativeONE's news post. I HOPE YOU DON'T HAVE IT COPYRIGHTED DON'T SUE PLSKTHXBAI.
Jonas: My trip started and ended with this lovable guy. We spoke almost the entire way to and from the office (which was like, 14 hours both ways). He's a nice guy, and has some great ideas in his head. Hope to see some of your ideas come to life!
UberBarista: Fuck ya I'm a hyperactive guy, lol. (I read your news post :D). I think you asked me like, 20 times when you were drunk why I wasn't drinking, haha. Great to talk to whether or not he's sober or shitfaced drunk :D Much love :3
CaptainBob: Definitely the winner for Loudest Laugh of '08. Almost the entire trip was filled with laughs, and he helped contribute with many jokes and shiz. Also, a great singer. THAT'S RIGHT ADAM. WE CAN PASS SONGS ON MEDIUM!
StephanosGnomon: The "Other Steve". I never really got to see him on the forums, but he was great in person. Great to talk to, and his rhymes make limes commit crimes in times for Breakfast. What? People would say Steve and would be talking to him, thus making me frown. I CRIED IN MY SLEEP I DID.
BlueHippo: HA! I wasn't the youngest! The more he drank, the louder he got; but that was ok because the words that came with it were filled with awesome and lulz. Lanky bastard, but had the innocence of a small child. HE WAS SO RESPONSIBLE AND LOVABLE. :3
Malachy: Every time I look at your userpage, I sing the Captain Planet theme song. Userpages aside, this guy was awesome. His hair made little girls jealous. Again, a great guy (everyone was great. I should just c/p "great" everywhere). ALSO, WE SHOULD LIKE, TOTALLY LARP LATER WITH THOSE PEOPLE WHO OUT NERDED US THIS YEAR.
MightyPotata: My potatoes are no match for this one. When I wasn't distracting him playing Wii Jenga or whatever the fuck it's called, we were lol'ing over just about everything, whether it be of cute kittens or dicks. Mostly dicks. Ok, no kittens were involved. Unless they were kitten dicks. Could that be considered as child pornography?
Aviewaskewed: Pretty big into comics. He even has a website called TheEndlessCrew for it! He's a really intelligent guy, using his wit and smartlynessiveness to make me lol. Hope to see you next year along with everyone else!
Mamatequila: What's your name about again? I remember you saying something about a really big black whore that wasn't really a whore, but like, a queen of whores? You can correct me if I'm wrong. Either way, this girl is nothing like Mamatequila. She talked better then us big boys did. And we're big boys. Like, really big boys. That says something. Great to talk to, and very funny. Just like one of the guys :D
SardonicSamurai: What a fuckin' douche bag. I hope he takes it up the ass and dies of internal bleeding.
Rucklo: It was great to see this guy in the States. Seriously, seeing this guy was one of the best things about the trip. When he's drunk, he's ALMOST as hyper as I am. I ran around with him when he jumped over tall buildings to talk about cold cocking people. (It's pistol whipping Viktor :D). Man, I really hope you come next year. ALSO DIABLO 3 AND STARCRAFT 2 KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE.
Anna: Though she may not be a newgrounds member, she was probably the most weirded out by us. We newgrounders view ourselves as normal. It was weird seeing a normal person think we're weird. Maybe you're the weird one! Maybe we're all normal. OR VICE VERSA! WE'RE ALL A LIL DIFFERENT AT HEART! Anyway, it was nice to meet you, and I hope you and Viktor have a great time in the States!
JoS: Wins the Bad Ass of the Year award. Funny guy to talk to, and it seems like he's got a lot of work ahead of him. It was great talkin' to him, and I hope you save Canadians from people like other Canadians! And fuck ya I have a girly voice in rockband when a girly singer sings a song. I have a manly man voice when the real men sing songs in rockband ;D
Afro-Ninja: A fellow Ohioan! Check out! (I ADVERTISED I WANT STICKEZ). I already knew he was a great guy before I got to talking to him. I couldn't tell what was more mesmerizing; his eyes or his 'Fro. His skills in flash was more mesmerizing. That's how I felt at least when he was giving us tutorials. Hope to see you again soon dude!
Poxpower: I've always loved seeing his art work. Seeing and talking to the face that made the work was awesome. Not only that, but the words that came out of his face were awesome too! I mean like, it's an awesome statue that shoots awesome out of every orifice of it's stone body. I'd buy that statue, but my wallet isn't awesome at all. Nice talkin' to you!
Luis: User of the year, eh? Damn straight he is, and it was easy to see why. He does so much good for the site, it makes me jealous and want to kidnap him to make me ideas to be loved more. He's starting up another Sketchbook, and I'm very glad he let me in. You're doing some great things for the site, and it was great to talk to you. I hope we talk more over the next year until the next meet :)
MindChamber: I'd love to talk with this guy more. It was really nice to get to talk with him about his animation techniques and styles. I think I could've listened to his ideas and techniques for hours and not get bored. Hell, I craved more, but he had to head out. A very funny and creative guy. I can't wait to see more of your work!
Tim: Another Newgrounds bad ass. Fun to talk to, but don't shake up the keg, haha. Didn't get to talk to him as much as the rest of the mods and admins, but I want to ride in that jeep... like, really bad... Haha, hope to talk to you more during the next meet! Can you cook again next year too? I fuckin' loved those long hot dogs... mmmmmmmm...
Bob: I fuckin' love how your phone quacks when someone's calling. Besides the awesome duck phone, it was great to finally meet one of the guys I played Xbox Live with. A funny guy, and easy to get along with. I swear to GOD when my parents go to Canada for the week, we'll play Halo 3, I SWEAR.
Mike: Another guy I wish I could've talked to more. The little that we did talk was great. He has the beard I always dreamed of having. Seriously, the part of hair by the side of my lips doesn't grow to connect the 'stache to my goatee. Awesome facial hair aside, I hope to speak more with you next year!
Rob: I only got to speak with him for a very brief amount of time, but he seemed like the cool new kid on the block. I felt I could relate at least on that part, because this was my first meet as well. He's gonna do some great things for this site, and I can't wait to see what he does! Nice to meet you, even though we didn't talk a super amount of time :(
WadeFulp: OH SNAP! IT'S WADE FULP! I met this guy on Xbox Live, and we hit it off ever since. As much as I talk to him online, it seemed like we didn't talk as much as I would've liked to at the meet. Wish you could've stayed with us for the nights. Anyways, I already knew you were an awesome guy, and I already can't wait to talk to you more at the next mod meet!
TomFulp: Oh God, what am I supposed to say that doesn't make me sound like his cock is in my mouth? People will automatically think that if I say even one nice thing about the guy, but he is! Cock in mouth or not. Seriously one of the most down to Earth guys, and it was great to be able to talk with him about some of the ideas in his head (especially the stuff about nanotechnology in poo. LOL) HOPE THEY DON'T COPYRIGHT THAT. I AM SO BUYING NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR ME POO :)
Well, I think that just about covers everyone. If I forgot anyone, I'll cry for a little while and edit my news post and pretend I never weeped over it. I hope I didn't disappoint anyone by writing too much or too little about them :(
Also, Added this for lulz:
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Posted by SardonicSamurai - June 26th, 2008
I can't sleep because Thursday (today) through Sunday (Some other day) is going to be fuckin' fantastically awesomistically awesome!
Toodles and poodles and whatnot.
Posted by SardonicSamurai - June 21st, 2008
So yesterday, my grandfather was sent to the hospital. He's 86, and probably the toughest guy I know. This man has suffered from eleven strokes, 3 major, the rest minor, and has lived up to his age. Just before being sent to the hospital, he was still tending to his gardens he has. It's really because of him that I would love to go to Scotland, where he was born and raised. It was so sad seeing someone so strong slowly deteriorate... He's having major heart problems, and they can't guarantee how long he has...
And speaking of, my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's nearly 10 years ago. She's about 84, but she doesn't remember me now. I'm just that "tall guy" who "just seems to get taller". My other grandma died the same way as well, but we had to put her in a nursing home yesterday. (The same one my other grandma went to) She was also from Scotland.
They're still around, so I'm going to try and visit as much as possible. I love my family, and it's always hard to see someone go.
Seems like we're in the middle of a thunderstorm. I might be on and off this site due to power being raped by lightning.